
Why choose Modenaudio?

Because Modena is not only a city of outstanding food and cars: it is also famous for its opera singers, pop singers, rock musicians, singer-songwriters, artisan luthiers, organ builders and manufacturers of amplifiers for guitars or sophisticated audiophiles.
Ultimately, what matters is that it sings… even if it is a twelve-cylinder engine! The important thing is that it plays!
Finally, the answer to the initial question is: we wanted to be there too and we wanted it to be clear where we came from.

MODENAUDIO è il marchio italiano specializzato nella produzione di impianti audio caratterizzati da un'altissima qualità del suono e da un design originale e all'avanguardia.
modenaudio; impianti audio; design originale;
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AKOUS, the new passive speakers, are Lympha’s voice.
Directly connected to the LINE OUT, they transform the headphone amplifier into something unexpected, taking full advantage of all its power, speed and detail.
Initially designed as deskmates, they are also suitable for medium-sized environments.
The design… is MODENAUDIO.


La stampa specializzata ha accolto Lympha con recensioni che ci riempiono d’orgoglio. Un ringraziamento particolare va’ all’amico Giovanni Gibertoni che ne ha curato i contatti.

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